Doors and salvaging doors

This post is about doors.

I'll post an update for the last week as there has been some action and I've been meaning to add to the blog but sometimes it's just easier to do a quick update via the Homeone forum.

Doors galore!

Speaking of the forum, one of the lovely forum members - TheBigHouse - let me salvage from his house he's having demolished this week.  So today we went out and W being handy and all that removed and collected 2 sets of doors, a security gate and a garden gate!  We were offered other things as well but just couldn't see it working for our place (love the windows they had but we already have windows) but definitely that sort of reuse is why I started Oddswop!  After finish watching Kevin McCloud's Man Made Home just last night I had all sorts of ideas for stuff.  (I really want to build my tiny house!!)

This is what we scored
Door and security gate saved from demolition :)
Garden gate also salvaged
 Picture of the garden gate as it sits in my MIL's backyard.

Getting it all home on top of the car... 

There was another set of lovely french doors but we just couldn't see where we could put them or how we could use them. Even the set we took it will be hard to make work but we thought if we semi enclose under the deck we could use them.  A bit of a stretch.  The only other structure we'll be having atm is the chook house so I don't think we'll waste it on that.  Although I suppose if it doesn't get used ... it doesn't get used :(

The door will get painted in black or Monument (CB colour) and will replace the front door we have -- this will happen after handover.

The front door that is currently there will probably move to the garage rather than being wasted.  (The garage door will probably be wasted or stored for some future purpose).  

Speaking of doors, we noticed that our Home Theatre door (the only hinged door that happens to be 920 wide) is not solid core and we've spec'd it as such.  So that will probably be a spare door too!  Yikes.  

The original front door we wanted which was about a $500 upgrade was this one:
Classic PCL 40 - we would have wanted it in black and it would have had two side lights.
And the door I really really wanted was this type of one:

A bit too girly but love the idea of a wrought iron door!
 Maybe one day we can afford this type of door.  I have my eye on one that is mostly timber (probably still painted black!) and the wrought iron.

Here are some options from Budget Wrought Iron:

We haven't focused on the facade much at all so I'm really not sure why I'm obsessing about doors.  But I'm pretty stoked about this free door we have and the other doors we scored!

W's thinking we may try and create a gated porch area so there is some space between the gate bit and the door bit so we can leave it open.  The same thing that TheBigHouse also mentioned to us today that they are planning to do.  We all want security but also want air it seems like.

